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For many years, A Confessor’s Handbook has been the indispensable guide for priests and seminarians on the sacrament of Reconciliation. There are many books for priests on preaching, leadership, liturgy, spiritual direction, and counseling, but A Confessor’s Handbook focuses specifically on the priest’s ministry as confessor. This essential book is not limited to general principles, but offers a...

Avoid,” point no. 3) is that the confessor should “not get lost in what he is saying,” and much of what I write there certainly applies here. But here I focus not on a particular technique, but upon a fundamental attitude of the confessor towards himself, towards the penitent, and towards the sacrament. It is implied in the passage from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians that opens this section, and might otherwise be stated as this: it is God’s grace that calls us, priest and penitent alike,
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